  品牌 / InSphero
  • DSC_6146 makeup
  • _MG_6477
  • _MG_6760
- 產品名稱三維細胞組織培養系統
- 製造商InSphero


  1. 有別於傳統二維細胞培養技術,全新三維細胞培養概念,使細胞培養更為貼近in vivo系統,實驗數據亦更具真實性,受各大藥廠及研發中心積極採用。
  2. 有別於其它廠牌之產品,Insphero利用Scaffold-free方式,幫助快速建立三維細胞組織榮獲歐美專利設計,並發表在各知名國際期刊。
  3. 提供ready-to-use之細胞組織供客戶直接使用,適合應用於藥物及各式篩選等。
  4. 提供代客服務,為您做完整的報告及三維細胞組織建立。

Product Introduction:
  • GravityPLUSTM 3D Cell Culture Kits: Patented, automation-compatible and affordable platform to grow, culture and analyze your own 3D microtissue models.
  • 3D InSightTM Microtissues: Morphologically and functionally superior 3D models with long lifetime supplied ready-to-use with validated 3D assay protocols.
  • 3D InSightTM Services: Standardized and customized fast-turnaround 3D-cell-based screening services with InSphero scaffold  -free 3D microtissue models.
  • 3D InSightTM Cell Culture Media: Safeguard your microtissues with optimized media for 3D cell culture.
  • 3D InSightTM Assay Kits: Convenient kits for assessment of common 3D cell culture endpoints like cell viability and cytotoxicity.